Speaking + Consultations

  • Danielle provides clinical case consultation for other mental health professionals in my areas of expertise. One-hour consultations are $75 for licensed professionals and $50 for pre-licensed professionals/students.

    • Abortion care and access since the overturn of Roe

    • Sex education in the US

    • LGBTQ+ rights

    • Sex education in the US

    • Human sexuality

    • Religious and purity culture trauma

    • Misogyny and sexism in the US including

      • Medical sexism/misogyny

      • Misogyny in language

      • Gender and sex bias in research

      • Misogyny throughout US history an today

      • How misogyny is used as a tool of control

  • Danielle is an energetic and engaging speaker. Whether a keynote speaker or part of a discussion panel, Danielle provides expert insight on the following topics:

    • The history and effects of misogyny in the US

    • Sex education in the US

    • Female sexual pleasure

    • Religious and purity culture trauma

    • LGBTQ+ rights

    • Abortion care and access

  • Check out the “In the Media” page for a list of podcasts Danielle has been featured on. Danielle’s most requests topics are:

    The history and effects of misogyny in the US

    • Sex education in the US

    • Female sexual pleasure

    • Kink and non-monogamy

    • Religious and purity culture trauma

    • LGBTQ+ concerns and rights

    • Abortion care and access following the overturn of Roe

“Males do not represent two discrete populations; heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be divided into sheep and goats, and not all things are black nor all things white. It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories. Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separated pigeon-holes. The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects. The sooner we learn this concerning human sexual behavior, the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex.” – Alfred Kinsey