• Religious Trauma Therapy - In Bed With Danielle Kramer

    Did your experiences with religion leave you feeling bad about yourself or your sexuality?

  • Religious Trauma Therapy - In Bed With Danielle Kramer

    Were you raised in purity culture and now struggle with intimacy and sex?

  • Religious Trauma Therapy - In Bed With Danielle Kramer

    Are you struggling to construct your own authentic, healthly sexual ethic?

  • Religious Trauma Therapy - In Bed With Danielle Kramer

    Are you a survivor of sexual assault and your religion made you feel that you were to blame?

Religious trauma occurs when a person's religious experience is stressful, degrading, dangerous, abusive, or authoritarian. Purity culture is a specific source of religious trauma that can cause deep feelings of sexual shame that can impact intimate relationships. Therapy can help you identify ways religious and purity culture teachings affect you and help you to examine and reconstruct your sexual ethic into a healthier version that feels more authentic to you.

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